Lapidary and jewellery workshop - Australian opals, precious stones, sapphires, rubies, emerald, minerals and cristals - wenesday to saturday - 10h-12h on appointment - 14h-18h free entry


Opal fires

All the rainbow colors

Opal fires come from the cristaline structure of the opal: micro-spheres of hydrated silice. When the micro-spheres have all the same size, the light is diffracted in a color depending on this size.

Different types of opals

Many types

Australian Opals : black opals, cristal opals, boulder opals,light opals, matrix opals, opal doublets, opals triplets...
Fire opals : from Mexico or Brasil
Ethiopian opals : same under categories as Australian opals.
Opales communes : they can be found in all countries, green, blue, pink, white dendritic... Their colors come from pigments and not light diffraction