Lapidary and jewellery workshop - Australian opals, precious stones, sapphires, rubies, emerald, minerals and cristals - wenesday to saturday - 10h-12h on appointment - 14h-18h free entry

Tumbled stones per kg

Réf : PRLOT03
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Tumbled stones per kg PRLOT03

Tumbled stones per kg

About 530 stones per kg, size about 1.8 x 1cm

CONTENTS : Agate from Australia, Agate From Botswana, Agate Dulcote, Polyedric Agate, Amazonite, Aventurine, Petrified wood from Australia, some opalized, and from USA Red jasper from Australia, Snoflakes obsidan, Tiger eye, Amethyst, Quartz, Pink quartz, Rhodonite from Australia, Rhyolite from Australia, Ribbon stone from Australia, Sodalite, Jasper from India and other countries.
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